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2006 CSPS MAF Assessment Action Plan


Last year, the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) was assessed as part of Round IV Management Accountability Framework (MAF) assessments. The MAF sets out Treasury Board's expectations of senior public service managers for good public service management. The MAF is structured around 10 key elements that collectively define "management" and establish the expectations for good management of a department or agency.

This document presents CSPS action plan to address its 2006 MAF assessment and includes the following:

CSPS Operating Environment in 2006

The School is a relatively new organization; created on April 1, 2004 through an amalgamation of three separate organizations. The School's objective is to deliver the learning needs of public service employees across Canada. As per the MAF assessment, this past year has been one of continuing transition for the School and includes:

Summary of CSPS MAF Results

The 2006 CSPS MAF assessment indicated that the School had made significant progress in a number of areas, including:

In addition, the 2006 CSPS MAF assessment indicated that the School made significant improvements in some areas identified in the 2005 MAF assessment as requiring management attention, including:

The CSPS MAF 2006 assessment also identified the following areas as requiring management attention:

  1. Quality of Programs and Policy Analysis (i.e., TB Submissions);
  2. Integrated, Use and Reporting of Performance Information (Financial and Non-financial);
  3. Effective Project Management; and
  4. Internal Audit.

CSPS Action Plan and Progress

The School is committed to building a strong and effective organization that contributes to the efficient management of the Public Service. Since 2006, CSPS has made progress and will continue to take action in the following key areas:

  1. Quality of Program and Policy Analysis (I.e., TB Submissions):
    CSPS has worked to strengthen its program and policy capacity over the year. Efforts to enhance the quality, adequacy and the soundness of the analysis were noted in the 2006 MAF assessment where 5 of 8 areas were identified as improved. In order to improve the completeness of information and supporting documents, the School focused on early and regular consultations with TB analysts and stakeholders in developing TB Submissions.

    In 2007-08, CSPS is committed to developing an internal process for developing TB Submissions and an internal quality assurance process. These processes will include assigning clear responsibilities and articulating consultation processes and timelines in order to allow sufficient time for the incorporating TBS comments and obtaining the appropriate signoffs. CSPS will also undertake to more fully document the consultation processes.

  2. Integration, Use and Reporting of Performance Information (Financial and Non-financial):
    The School's Program Architecture Activities (PAA) for 2008-09 was approved by Treasury Board ministers and is aligned with CSPS' strategic outcome and mandate. Work is underway to ensure full alignment with MRRS guidelines for future PAAs. Measurement of the strategic outcome will be addressed within the development of performance management indicators. A performance measurement framework is in development in accordance with MRRS instructions and timelines.

    The accountabilities of senior officials and internal decision-making structures are now aligned to the organization's strategic outcomes. The School now has a full Board of Governors and Board members have received orientation to their roles and responsibilities.

    The School has developed an integrated business plan for 2008-09 which brings together financial, human resource and procurement information to better inform corporate decision-making and planning. In addition, CSPS will develop an Executive Management Reporting System that will provide meaningful, timely management information for decision-making.

  3. Effective Project Management:
    The School has a project management system that was used for the Integrated Learning Management System project. The presence of its formal governance structure and clear senior level accountability addressed decision-making and ensured effective project monitoring.

    To demonstrate commitment to improving on its 2006 MAF assessment, CSPS will clarify the project management criteria with TBS in order to more accurately classify its projects. In addition, CSPS will develop a generic project management accountability framework to be applied to School projects.

  4. Internal Audit:
    One outstanding audit report has been submitted to Treasury Board Secretariat and the Management Response will be posted on the CSPS website by the end of fiscal year 2007-08.

    As noted in the assessment, the School had undertaken work to implement a Central Agency Cluster Shared Services Initiative for internal audit. However, as this approach was determined to be unfeasible during the course of 2006-07, the School is now taking steps to build an internal audit function that will be in effect for the next fiscal year. Terms of reference and requirements for Chief Audit Executive have been developed and a Chief Audit Executive has been engaged. In addition, an Internal Audit Implementation Plan was approved by the Board of Governors in October 2007 and Internal Audit Charter has been developed.

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