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Annual Report to Parliament on the Access to Information Act 2013–2014

April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014

Table of Contents


The Access to Information Act (Revised Statutes of Canada, Chapter A-1, 1985) was proclaimed on July 1, 1983, giving Canadian citizens and permanent residents the right to access information contained in government records, subject to certain specific and limited exceptions.

The Access to Information Act (the Act) gives Canadian citizens, as well as people and corporations present in Canada, the right to access federal government records that are not of a personal nature. The Act complements, but does not replace, other procedures for obtaining government information. It is not intended to limit, in any way, the access to government information that is normally available to the public upon request.

This annual report describes how the Canada School of Public Service (the School) administered its responsibilities under the Act during the 2013-2014 fiscal year. This report is tabled in Parliament in accordance with section 72 of the Act.

The School is part of the Treasury Board portfolio. The School's enabling legislation is the Canada School of Public Service Act, under which it is mandated to

This mandate is delivered through four programs: Foundational Learning, Organizational Leadership Development, Public Sector Management Innovation and Internal Services.

The School ensures that public servants have the common knowledge and the leadership and management competencies they require to fulfil their responsibilities in serving Canadians.

Delegation of Authority

For the purpose of the Act, the Deputy Minister/President of the School delegated full authority to the Senior Director of the Marketing and Communications Division and the Vice-President of the Strategic Directions, Program Development and Marketing Branch. A copy of the signed delegation instrument for the Act is included in Appendix B.

Organizational Structure of the ATIP Office and its Responsibilities

The Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office is part of the Strategic Directions, Program Development and Marketing Branch. It is composed of one senior director, who acts as the ATIP Coordinator for the School, and two ATIP advisors. In an effort to comply with the requirements of the Access to Information Act, one junior ATIP officer was assigned to the ATIP Office to support activities related to access to information.

The ATIP Coordinator is responsible for daily activities related to the administration of the Act.

The responsibilities of the School's ATIP Office include

Section 71 of the Access to Information Act requires government institutions to provide facilities where the public may inspect manuals used by employees of the institution in administering or carrying out programs or activities of the institution that affect the public. In accordance with this section, the School has a library designated as a public reading room. It is made available to the public upon request. The library is located at the following address:

Asticou Campus
241 de la Cité-des-Jeunes Boulevard, Room 1359
Gatineau, Quebec
K1N 6Z2

Interpretation of the Access to Information Act Statistical Report 2013-2014

Requests Received under the Act

Between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014, the School received 30 new requests for information under the Act. The School completed 27 requests and 3 requests were carried over to the next reporting year.

In addition, the School received 16 new consultation requests under the Act from other government institutions involving School records and 1 request was outstanding from the previous year. All 17 consultation requests were completed with a total of 507 pages reviewed. Recommendations were provided within the time set by the consulting government institution.

Disposition of Completed Requests

Source of Requests

Completion Time and Extensions

Section 9 of the Act provides for the extension of the statutory time limits if consultations are necessary or if the request is for a large volume of records and processing the request within the original time limit would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the organization.

Of the 27 requests closed during this reporting year, 23 were completed within allowable time limits. In two instances, the School found it necessary to seek extensions of 30 days or less to the prescribed time limits to allow time to consult with other government institutions.

In four instances, the School did not meet its legislative deadline. In one of these instances, an extension of 30 days or less had been applied.

Exemptions and Exclusions

This section of the Statistical Report is intended to identify the number of requests in which specific exemptions or exclusions were invoked. If the same exemption or exclusion is claimed several times for the same request, it is reported only once.

Subsection 19(1) (personal information) was invoked 11 times and was applied to the information that is considered personal to another individual and where individual consent was not obtained. Paragraphs 20(1) (a) (b) (d) (third party information) were invoked in three cases.

No exclusions were invoked under the Act.

Format of Information Released

12 requests were released on paper and 10 were released in electronic format.

Relevant Pages Disclosed

A total of 1,726 pages were disclosed in full and a total of 2,475 pages were disclosed in part, for a total of 4,201 pages, in comparison to the 8,972 pages released in 2012–2013.

Overview of Requests Received under the Access to Information Act Since 2011–2012

Overview of Requests Received under the Access to Information Act Since 2011–2012. Select a fiscal year from the first column and then read across the row to the right for the number of requests received, the number of requests complete, the number of pages processed and the number of pages released.
Fiscal year Requests received Requests completed* Number of pages processed Number of pages released
2013–2014 30 27 4,353 4,201
2012–2013 26 36 8,972 8,972
2011–2012 56 52 1,371 1,292

*includes requests outstanding from the previous reporting year (return to source paragraph of the note 1)


The Act authorizes fees for certain activities related to the processing of formal requests. In addition to a $5 application fee, search, preparation and reproduction charges may apply to various records. Current fees are specified in the Access to Information Regulations. No fees are imposed for reviewing records or for overhead shipping costs, and in accordance with section 11 of the Act, no fees are charged for the first five hours required to search for a record or prepare any part of the record for disclosure.

The fees collected during the reporting period totalled $320, of which $58 was refunded or waived.


Salary costs related to the administration of the Access to Information Act incurred by the ATIP Office are estimated at $81,928. Overhead and Maintenance costs are estimated at $9,521 for a total of $91,449.

Training and Awareness

The ATIP office continually works to inform and guide employees and requesters regarding the requirements of the Access to Information Act by means of ongoing dialogue and informal discussions. During the reporting period, the employees of the ATIP office responded to inquiries from employees and management, providing advice and guidance on various subjects pertaining to the Act.

In November 2013, two training sessions on the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act were offered to School employees. A total of 30 employees participated in the sessions.

A dedicated section on the School's intranet Web site provides School employees and ATIP liaison officers with key information on ATIP.

New Procedures, Guidelines and Directives

During the reporting year, the School did not implement new and/or revised access to information policies, guidelines or procedures.

The School continues to post summaries of completed access to information requests on its Internet site, a practice begun in April 2011 as part of the Open Government initiative.


The investigation of one outstanding complaint (OIC file # 3212-00941) from fiscal year 2011–2012 is ongoing with the Office of the Information Commissioner. The requester alleged that the School had improperly applied exemptions so as to unjustifiably deny access to records, or portions thereof.

During the current reporting year, one complaint was filed against the School (OIC file # 3213-02060). The requester complained that the School failed to respect its duty-to-assist obligations under the Act. This investigation is ongoing with the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Monitoring Time of Process

Since the School is a small institution with a relatively low number of requests in comparison to other institutions, the Vice-President of the Strategic Directions, Program Development and Marketing Branch is kept informed of time to process access to information requests by means of a monthly report and through ongoing verbal briefings.

Appendix A – Statistical Report

Name of institution: Canada School of Public Service

Reporting period: 01/04/2013 to 31/03/2014

Part 1 – Requests under the Access to Information Act

1.1 Number of requests

Received during reporting period: 30

Outstanding from previous reporting period: 0

Total: 30

Closed during reporting period: 27

Carried over to next reporting period: 3

1.2 Sources of requests

Media: 6

Academia: 1

Business (private sector): 6

Organization: 3

Public: 14

Total: 30

Part 2 – Requests closed during the reporting period

2.1 Disposition and completion time

Disposition and completion time. Read down the first column to the type of disposition that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of dispositions per completion time: 1 to 15 days, 16 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 120 days, 121 to 180 days, 181 to 365 days, and more than 365 days. Totals are provided in the last column and last row of the table.
Disposition of requests Completion time
1 to 15 days 16 to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 120 days 121 to 180 days 181 to 365 days More than 365 days Total
3 8 0 0 0 0 0 11
Disclosed in part 2 4 3 2 0 0 0 11
All exempted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All excluded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
No records exist 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Request transferred 0 0 0 00 0 0 0
Request abandoned 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Treated informally 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 7 14 4 2 0 0 0 27

2.2 Exemptions

13(1)(a): 0
13(1)(b): 0
13(1)(c): 0
13(1)(d): 0
13(1)(e): 0

14(a): 0
14(b): 0

15(1) - I.A. [*]: 0
15(1) - Def.[*]: 0
15(1) - S.A.[*]: 0

16(1)(a)(i): 0
16(1)(a)(ii): 0
16(1)(a)(iii): 0
16(1)(b): 0
16(1)(c): 0
16(1)(d): 0
16(2)(a): 0
16(2)(b): 0
16(2)(c): 0
16(3): 0
16.1(1)(a): 0
16.1(1)(b): 0
16.1(1)(c): 0
16.1(1)(d): 0
16.2(1): 0
16.3: 0
16.4(1)(a): 0
16.4(1)(b): 0
16.5: 0

17: 0

18(a): 0
18(b): 0
18(c): 0
18(d): 0
18.1(1)(a): 0
18.1(1)(b): 0
18.1(1)(c): 0
18.1(1)(d): 0

19(1): 11

20(1)(a): 1
20(1)(b): 2
20(1)(b.1): 0
20(1)(c): 0
20(1)(d): 1
20.1: 0
20.2: 0
20.4: 0

21(1)(a): 0
21(1)(b): 0
21(1)(c): 0
21(1)(d): 0

22: 0
22.1(1): 0

23: 0

24(1): 0

26: 0

*I.A.: International Affairs (return to source paragraph of the note 2)
*Def.: Defence of Canada (return to source paragraph of the note 3)
*S.A.: Subversive Activities (return to source paragraph of the note 4)

2.3 Exclusions

68(a): 0
68(b): 0
68(c): 0
68.1: 0
68.2(a): 0
68.2(b): 0

69(1)(a): 0
69(1)(b): 0
69(1)(c): 0
69(1)(d): 0
69(1)(e): 0
69(1)(f): 0
69(1)(g) re (a): 0
69(1)(g) re (b): 0
69(1)(g) re (c): 0
69(1)(g) re (d): 0
69(1)(g) re (e): 0
69(1)(g) re (f): 0
69.1(1): 0

2.4 Format of information released

All disclosed

Disclosed in part


2.5 Complexity

2.5.1 Relevant pages processed and disclosed
Relevant pages processed and disclosed. Read down the first column to the type of disposition that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of pages processed, number of pages disclosed and number of requests.
Disposition of requests Number of pages processed Number of pages disclosed Number of requests
All disclosed 1,815 1,726 11
Disclosed in part 2,538 2,475 11
All exempted 0 0 0
All excluded 0 0 0
Request abandoned 0 0 2
2.5.2 Relevant pages processed and disclosed by size of requests
Relevant pages processed and disclosed by size of requests. Read down the first column to the type of disposition that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of requests and the number of pages disclosed for the following five categories: less than 100 pages processed, 101-500 pages processed, 501-1,000 pages processed, 1,001-5000 pages processed and more than 5000 pages processed. There are two columns for each category: the first column presents the number of requests and the second column presents the number of pages disclosed. Totals are provided in the last row of the table.
Disposition Less than 100
pages processed
pages processed
pages processed
pages processed
More than 5,000
pages processed
Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed
All disclosed 7 70 3 694 1 962 0 0 0 0
Disclosed in part 8 232 2 410 0 0 1 1,833 0 0
All exempted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All excluded 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Abandoned 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 17 302 5 1,104 1 962 1 1,833 0 0
2.5.3 Other complexities
Other complexities. Read down the first column to the type of disposition that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of dispositions in these categories: consultation required, assessment of fees, legal advice sought and other. Totals are provided in the last column and last row of the table.
Disposition Consultation required Assessment of fees Legal advice sought Other Total
All disclosed 0 0 0 0 0
Disclosed in part 2 0 2 0 4
All exempted 0 0 0 0 0
All excluded 0 0 0 0 0
Abandoned 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 0 2 0 4

2.6 Deemed refusals

2.6.1 Reasons for not meeting statutory deadline

Number of requests closed past the statutory deadline: 4

Principal Reason

2.6.2 Number of days past deadline
Number of days past deadline. Read down the first column to the number of days past deadline that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of requests past deadline where no extension was taken and the number of requests past deadline where an extension was taken. Totals are also provided in the last column and last row of the table.
Number of days past deadline Number of requests past deadline where no extension was taken Number of requests past deadline where an extension was taken Total
1 to 15 days 1 1 2
16 to 30 days 1 0 1
31 to 60 days 1 0 1
61 to 120 days 0 0 0
121 to 180 days 0 0 0
181 to 365 days 0 0 0
More than 365 days 0 0 0
Total 3 1 4

2.7 Requests for translation

English to French

French to English

Part 3 – Extensions

3.1 Reasons for extensions and disposition of requests

Reasons for extensions and disposition of requests. Read down the first column to the type of disposition where an extension was taken that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of extensions for each of the following three reasons: 9(1)(a) - Interference with operations, 9(1)(b) - Consultation and 9(1)(c) - Third party notice. 9(1)(b) - Consultation is split into two columns: the first column presents section 69 and the second column is other. Totals are provided in the last row of the table.
Disposition of requests where
an extension was taken
Interference with operations
Third party notice
Section 69 Other
All disclosed 0 0 0 0
Disclosed in part 0 0 2 0
All exempted 0 0 0 0
All excluded 0 0 0 0
No records exist 0 0 0 0
Request abandoned 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 2 0

3.2 Length of extensions

Length of extensions. Read down the first column to the length of extension that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of extensions for each of the following reasons: 9(1)(a) - Interference with operations, 9(1)(b) - Consultation and 9(1)(c) - Third party notice. 9(1)(b) - Consultation is split into two columns: the first column presents section 69 and the second column is other. Totals are provided in the last row of the table.
Length of extensions 9(1)(a)
Interference with operations
Third party notice
Section 69 Other
30 days or less 0 0 2 0
31 to 60 days 0 0 0 0
61 to 120 days 0 0 0 0
121 to 180 days 0 0 0 0
181 to 365 days 0 0 0 0
365 days or more 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 2 0

Part 4 – Fees

Fees. Read down the first column to the fee type that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of requests and the amount for the following two categories: fee collected and fee waived or refunded. There are two columns for each category: the first column presents the number of requests and the second column presents the amount. Totals are provided in the last row of the table.
Fee type Fee collected Fee waived or refunded
Number of requests Amount Number of requests Amount
Application 23 $115 2 $10
Search 1 $147 1 $48
Production 0 $0 0 $0
Programming 0 $0 0 $0
Preparation 0 $0 0 $0
Alternative format 0 $0 0 $0
Reproduction 0 $0 0 $0
Total 24 $262 3 $58

Part 5 – Consultations received from other institutions and organizations

5.1 Consultations received from other government institutions and organizations

Consultations received from other government institutions and organizations. Read down the first column to the consultation status that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of consultations with other government institutions and the number of pages to review in columns two and three, and the number of consultations with other organizations and the number of pages to review in columns four and five. Totals are provided in the third row of the table.
Consultations Other government institutions Number of pages to review Other organizations Number of pages to review
Received during reporting period 16 266 0 0
Outstanding from the previous reporting period 1 241 0 0
Total 17 507 0 0
Closed during the reporting period 17 507 0 0
Pending at the end of the reporting period 0 0 0 0

5.2 Recommendations and completion time for consultations received from other government institutions

Recommendations and completion time for consultations received from other government institutions. Read down the first column to the recommendation that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of days required to complete the consultation requests: 1 to 15 days, 16 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 120 days, 121 to 180 days, 181 to 365 days and more than 365 days. Totals are provided in the last column and last row of the table.
Recommendation Number of days required to complete consultation requests
1 to 15 days 16 to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 120 days 121 to 180 days 181 to 365 days More than 365 days Total
Disclose entirely 11 4 0 0 0 0 0 15
Disclose in part 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Exempt entirely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exclude entirely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consult other institution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total 12 5 0 0 0 0 0 17

5.3 Recommendations and completion time for consultations received from other organizations

Recommendations and completion time for consultations received from other government institutions. Read down the first column to the recommendation that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of days required to complete the consultation requests: 1 to 15 days, 16 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 120 days, 121 to 180 days, 181 to 365 days and more than 365 days. Totals are provided in the last column and last row of the table.
Recommendation Number of days required to complete consultation requests
1 to 15 days 16 to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 120 days 121 to 180 days 181 to 365 days More than 365 days Total
Disclose entirely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Disclose in part 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exempt entirely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exclude entirely 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Consult other institution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Part 6 – Completion time of consultations on Cabinet confidences

Completion time of consultations on Cabinet confidences. Read down the first column to the number of days that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number responses received and the number of responses received past deadline. Totals are provided in the last row of the table.
Number of days Number of responses received Number of responses
received past deadline
1 to 15 days 0 0
16 to 30 days 0 0
31 to 60 days 0 0
61 to 120 days 0 0
121 to 180 days 0 0
181 to 365 days 0 0
More than 365 days 0 0
Total 0 0

Part 7 – Resources related to the Access to Information Act

7.1 Costs


7.2 Human Resources

Human Resources. Read down the first column to the type of resource that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number dedicated full-time to ATI activities and the number dedicated part-time to ATI activities and total. Totals are provided in the last column and last row of the table.
Resources Dedicated full-time to ATI activities Dedicated part-time to ATI activities Total
Full-time employees 0.00 1.52 1.52
Part-time and casual employees 0.00 0.00 0.00
Regional staff 0.00 0.00 0.00
Consultants and agency personnel 0.00 0.00 0.00
Students 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 0.00 1.52 1.52

Appendix A – Supplementary Statistical Report

Institution: Canada School of Public Service

Number of informal releases of previously released ATI packages: 5

The Canada School of Public Service did not process any Cabinet Confidences under the Access to Information Act (ATIA) during the reporting year.

Completion time of consultations on Cabinet Confidences under the ATIA – requests with Legal Services

Completion time of consultations on Cabinet Confidences under the ATIA – requests with Legal Services. Read down the first column to the number of days that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of requests and the number of pages disclosed for the following five categories: fewer than 100 pages processed, 101-500 pages processed, 501-1,000 pages processed, 1,001-5000 pages processed and more than 5000 pages processed. There are two columns for each category: the first column presents the number of requests and the second column presents the number of pages disclosed. Totals are provided in the last row of the table.
Number of days Fewer than 100
pages processed
pages processed
pages processed
pages processed
More than 5,000
pages processed
Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed
1 to 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 to 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 to 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
121 to 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
181 to 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
More than 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Completion time of consultations on Cabinet Confidences under the ATIA – requests with Privy Council Office

Completion time of consultations on Cabinet Confidences under the ATIA – requests with Privy Council Office. Read down the first column to the number of days that interests you. Read across the row to the right for the number of requests and the number of pages disclosed for the following five categories: fewer than 100 pages processed, 101-500 pages processed, 501-1,000 pages processed, 1,001-5000 pages processed and more than 5000 pages processed. There are two columns for each category: the first column presents the number of requests and the second column presents the number of pages disclosed. Totals are provided in the last row of the table.
Number of days Fewer than 100
pages processed
pages processed
pages processed
pages processed
More than 5,000
pages processed
Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed Number of requests Pages disclosed
1 to 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 to 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 to 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
121 to 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
181 to 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
More than 365 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Appendix B – Delegation Order

Access to Information Act

I, the undersigned Deputy Minister/President of the Canada School of Public Service, pursuant to section 73 of the Access to Information Act, hereby authorize the Director General, Marketing and Communications, to exercise signing authorities or perform any of the powers, duties or functions vested in me by the Access to Information Act.

Original signed by:

Linda Lizotte-MacPherson
Deputy Minister/President
Canada School of Public Service

Ottawa, Ontario
December 9, 2013

Access to Information Act

I, the undersigned Deputy Minister/President of the Canada School of Public Service, pursuant to section 73 of the Access to Information Act, hereby authorize the Director General, Marketing and Communications, to exercise signing authorities or perform any of the powers, duties or functions vested in me by the Access to Information Act.

Original signed by:

Linda Lizotte-MacPherson
Deputy Minister/President
Canada School of Public Service

Ottawa, Ontario
December 9, 2013

Date modified: