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Management Accountability Framework 2008–2009

Management Response to the Round VI MAF Assessment 2008-2009


As part of a government-wide process, the Canada School of Public Service (Canada School) was assessed during Round VI of the Management Accountability Framework (MAF). The MAF sets out Treasury Board's expectations and is structured around key elements that collectively define "management" and establish the expectations for good public service management of a department or agency.

This document presents the following information related to the Canada School's MAF assessment for Round VI (2008-2009):

Summary of the Canada School's MAF results for Round VI

The 2008 Round VI MAF assessment indicated that the Canada School had made progress in a number of key areas, including:

In addition, the Canada School made significant improvements in one area identified in the 2007 Round V MAF assessment as requiring management attention:

The Canada School's Round VI assessment also identified one area as an opportunity for improvement:

The Canada School's strategy for Round VII

The Canada School will continue to strengthen its internal MAF processes by addressing lessons learned and identifying opportunities for innovation. It will also continue to implement the three-part strategy developed for Round VI, which includes:

  1. Setting targets for performance;
  2. Building MAF compliance into management processes;
  3. Engaging the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) on an ongoing basis.

Current Status for MAF Round VII

An action plan has been developed for Round VII and senior management continues to be apprised of its status and associated work on an ongoing basis.

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