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Report on Plans and Priorities 2015–2016: Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations Over the Next Three Fiscal Years

Internal Audits

Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations Over the Next Three Fiscal Years: Internal Audits. Read down and across for the title of the internal audit and the internal audit type, status and expected completion date.
Title of Internal Audit Internal Audit Type Status Completion Date
Core Control Audit of the Canada School of Public Service The objective of these audits is to ensure that core controls over financial management within small departments are effective and result in compliance with corresponding legislation, policies and directives. In Progress Q4 2014–15
Horizontal Internal Audit of Information Management in Large and Small Departments The scope of this audit will include the governance, capacity, information architecture and tools that provide relevant and timely information to support decision making at both departmental and government-wide levels. Planned Q1 2015–16
Horizontal Internal Audit of Information Technology Security in Large and Small Departments – Phase II The scope of the audit will include key practices and processes for managing IT security and the technical and operational safeguards within and across departments. Planned
Q2 2016–17
Audit of the Availability of Training in English and French to Public Servants The scope of the audit will include the availability of training in English and French to public servants. Planned
Horizontal Internal Audit of Costing in Large and Small Departments The scope of the audit will include key costing practices and processes within and across departments. Planned
Q3 2016–17

Since April 1, 2012, the School has been classified as a small department or agency for audit purposes. As such, the School is no longer required to have an in-house internal audit function or a Departmental Audit Committee. The School receives auditing services from the Office of the Comptroller General (OCG). Currently, the School is involved in the following OCG-led internal audits:


Evaluations. Read down and across for the link to departmental Program Alignment Architecture, title of evaluation, planned evaluation start date and planned deputy head approval date.
Link to Departmental Program Alignment Architecture Title of the Evaluation Planned Evaluation Start Date Planned Deputy Head Approval Date
1.1 Learning Services Strategic Directions Formative (Implementation) Evaluation March 2015
December 2015
1.1 Learning Services Faculty and Capacity Planning Evaluation January 2015
December 2015
1.1 Learning Services Strategic Directions Summative (Impact) Evaluation March 2016
December 2016

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