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Equity, diversity and inclusion learning path for executives

As a leader, you are in a unique position to shape your organization and build a stronger public service. You can strengthen your commitment to workplace equity and values around diversity and inclusion by using the anti‑racism tools and practices available to you and by applying the principles of GBA Plus, positive spaces, and accessibility.

On this page

Definition of equity, diversity and inclusion

Equity: Fairness, impartiality, even-handedness. A distinct process of recognizing differences within groups of individuals, and using this understanding to achieve substantive equality in all aspects of a person's life.

A diverse workforce in the public service is made up of individuals who have an array of identities, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, skills, perspectives and experiences that are representative of Canada's current and evolving population.

An inclusive workplace is fair, equitable, supportive, welcoming and respectful. It recognizes, values and leverages differences in identities, abilities, backgrounds, cultures, skills, experiences and perspectives that support and reinforce Canada's evolving human rights framework.

How the School can support you

To support you in building and strengthening a culture of diversity and inclusion, the School offers the following learning path:

Below are resources for each of the three phases to assist you in developing the awareness and competencies required for a diverse and inclusive workplace.

We recommend that you bookmark this page and visit it regularly to learn about new events and resources.

Awareness of the issues

Awareness of the impact of our behaviours

Title Type Duration
EXecuTALK: The Executive Sponsor: Making Room for New Voices
Event 45 minutes
Moving from Bias to Inclusion (INC123) Course 1 hour
Adopting an Inclusive Mindset at Work (INC122) Course 1 hour
Responding to Unconscious Bias (INC133) Course 6 hours
Visible Minorities in the Senior Ranks of the Public Service of Canada: Challenges and Opportunities Video 90 minutes
Indigenous Leaders Panel Video 6 minutes
Reconciliation: A Starting Point
A learning app that serves as a reference tool to learn about First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples, including key historical events and examples of reconciliation initiatives.
Mobile app 1 hour
Cultural Competency: Indigenous Perspectives (IRA142) Course 12 hours
Guide on Cultural Protocols GCcampus login required Job aid 45 minutes

A culture of inclusion

Additional definitions


An overt or covert obstacle which must be overcome for equality and progress to be possible.

Source: Canadian Race Relations Foundation Glossary of Terms


The experience of unearned freedoms, rights, benefits, advantages, access and/or opportunities afforded some people because of their group membership or social context.

Source: Canadian Race Relations Foundation Glossary of Terms


Racism is a belief that one group is superior to others performed through any individual action, or institutional practice which treats people differently because of their colour or ethnicity. This distinction is often used to justify discrimination. There are three types of racism: Institutional, Systemic, and Individual.

Source: Canadian Race Relations Foundation Glossary of Terms

Systemic racism

This is an interlocking and reciprocal relationship between the individual, institutional and structural levels which function as a system of racism. These various levels of racism operate together in a lockstep model and function together as a whole system. These levels are:

  • Individual (within interactions between people)
  • Institutional (within institutions and systems of power)
  • Structural or societal (among institutional and across society)

Source: Canadian Race Relations Foundation Glossary of Terms

Additional resources

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