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Legalizing Cannabis: Impacts on Our Workplace

Legalizing Cannabis: Impacts on Our Workplace

How will the legalization of cannabis affect the workforce? Whether you're a manager or an employee, stay abreast of your roles and responsibilities with this learning event, presented in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer and the Centre for Labour and Employment Law.

Speakers will cover:

Event Information

This learning activity is designed for all public servant groups and levels and is offered at no cost.


Date and time:

September 17, 2018 | 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm (EDT)


  • Sébastien Chouinard, Analyst, Employer Representation and Recourse, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
  • Stuart Wright, Senior Analyst, Union Engagement and National Joint Council Support, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
  • Martin Desmeules, Counsel, Centre for Labour and Employment Law, Justice Canada


Irene Arkorful, Manager, Workplace Well-Being, Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Bilingual with interpretation in official languages

  • Collaboration Lounge, Académie De-La-Salle, 373 Sussex Drive (Guigues Avenue entrance), Ottawa, Ontario
  • Available across Canada by webcast


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