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Departmental Performance Report 2013–2014: Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy: Green Procurement Target: Procurement Processes and Controls. Read down the first column for the target status and the performance measure. Read to the right and down for the performance status. The last row provides a section for strategies and comments.
Green Procurement Targets
As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish at least three SMART green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts. (Target 8.10 from 2010–13 FSDS)
1. Procurement Processes and Controls
Performance Measure Performance Status
Target status Achieved
All procurement processes and controls incorporate environmental considerations. 100%
Strategies and/or Comments

  1. All procurement staff have been trained on green procurement.
  2. Whenever feasible, the Contracting and Procurement Unit releases Requests for Proposals electronically and accepts submissions of bids electronically.
  3. All contracts are printed double-sided.
  4. Folders are reused or recycled.
Read down for the next green procurement target: paper. Read down the first column for the target status and the performance measure. Read to the right and down for the performance status. The last row provides a section for strategies and comments.
2. Paper
Performance Measure Performance Status
Target status Achieved
Paper purchased by the School will be made from recycled stock. 100%
Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Whenever practical, the School purchases supplies made from recycled material, including paper.
Read down for the next green procurement target: binders. Read down the first column for the target status and the performance measure. Read to the right and down for the performance status. The last row provides a section for strategies and comments.
3. Binders
Performance Measure Performance Status
Target status Achieved
Binders purchased by the School will be made from recycled material. 100%
Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Whenever practical, the School purchases supplies made from recycled material, including binders.
Read down for the SMART target under Training for select employees: Training for Procurement and Materiel Management Staff and Acquisition Cardholders. Read down the first column for the target status and the performance measure. Read to the right and down for the performance status. The last row provides a section for strategies and comments.
As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision making. (Target 8.11 from 2010–13 FSDS)
Training for select employees

Training for Procurement and Materiel Management Staff and Acquisition Cardholders
Performance Measure Performance Status
Target status Achieved
All Procurement Group employees will complete green procurement training.

Green procurement content will continue to be incorporated in the purchasing course for administrative assistants.
Strategies and/or Comments

  1. All procurement staff have received training on green procurement principles.
  2. The School included information regarding green procurement in its internal procurement training.
Read down for the next SMART target under Employee performance evaluations for managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management: Performance Evaluations. Read down the first column for the target status and the performance measure. Read to the right and down for the performance status. The last row provides a section for strategies and comments.
Employee performance evaluations for managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management

Performance Evaluations
Performance Measure Performance Status
Target status Achieved
The senior manager of the Procurement and Contracting Unit will ensure that environmental considerations will be taken into account for all procurement activities. 100%
Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Environmental considerations have been included in the procurement checklist as a reminder, and additional information regarding green procurement has been provided to all staff.
Read down for the final SMART target under Management processes and controls: Procurement Processes and Controls. Read down the first column for the target status and the performance measure. Read to the right and down for the performance status. The last row provides a section for strategies and comments.
Management processes and controls

Procurement Processes and Controls
Performance Measure Performance Status
Target status Achieved
The School uses Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) procurement instruments as its primary mechanism and leverages environmental considerations already incorporated into these standing offers and supply arrangements.

The School will continue to update its internal contracting documents (e.g. Statement of Work, Request for Proposal and Request for Standing Offer templates) to ensure that up-to-date environmental considerations are included.
Strategies and/or Comments

  1. The School conducts purchases through PWGSC consolidated procurement instruments whenever possible.
  2. Updates have been made to the School's internal contracting documents to ensure that environmental considerations are included in procurement initiatives undertaken by the School.
Read down for the Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
During the 2013–14 reporting cycle, the Canada School of Public Service considered the environmental effects of initiatives subject to the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals as part of its decision–making processes. Through the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process, departmental/agency proposals were found to have no important effects on the 2013–16 FSDS goals and targets in Theme(s) I — Addressing Climate Change and Air Quality; II — Maintaining Water Quality and Availability; III — Protecting Nature and Canadians, and the 2010–13 FSDS for Theme IV — Shrinking the Environmental Footprint — Beginning with Government.

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