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Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act Action Plan 2009–2011

Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act
Implementation of Section 41
of the Official Languages Act

Canada School of Public Service

June 2009

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Table of Contents

General Information

Federal institution: Canada School of Public Service
Address: 373 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6Z2
Web site:


The Canada School of Public Service is the common learning service provider for the Public Service of Canada. It brings a unified approach to serving the common learning and development needs of public servants and helps ensure that all public service employees across Canada have the knowledge and skills they need to deliver results for Canadians.

Minister and Senior Officials responsible for implementation of section 41 of Official Languages Act

Regional official languages representatives

Summary of the Progress Expected

As the common learning service provider for the public service, the Canada School of Public Service will pursue its efforts to promote the recognition of the linguistic duality and vitality of official language minority communities (OLMCs) by delivering its products and services to the entire federal public service. Basing itself on measures implemented in recent years, the Canada School will continue to offer its products and services in both official languages to contribute to the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act.


The Canada School will continue to host weekly learning activities, known as Armchair Discussions, to interact with some of the most accomplished professionals and academics in their fields, as well as with colleagues and fellow public servants. Armchair Discussions will help raise public servants' awareness of issues and potential strategies, allowing them to better meet their responsibilities under the Official Languages Act.

The Canada School will also expand its delivery of online courses on Campusdirect in both official languages so that they are available to public servants, including those in official language minority communities.

Through course P714, entitled "Introduction to Official Languages," the Canada School will continue to raise public servants' awareness of their responsibilities under the Official Languages Act and section 41. Ongoing language training will help employees acquire and maintain their second language so they can offer better service to Canadians in both official languages.

The Canada School will distribute Bulletin 41-42 to all employees through Notebook items. Notebook is a weekly message to Canada School employees advising them of recent items posted on the Canada School's intranet. The Canada School will encourage employees, especially regional official languages representatives, to submit items to Bulletin 41-42 promoting the Canada School's implementation activities related to official languages, minority communities and section 41 of the Official Languages Act.


The Canada School recognizes the importance of forging lasting relationships with OLMCs. The Canada School will develop and distribute a list of qualified providers able to ensure the delivery of language training services so that all regions have access to external learning providers for minority communities.


The Canada School will continue its communication efforts to promote linguistic duality throughout the public service and across federal departments and agencies. It will develop documents and promotional materials to inform teachers and learners about its language development and maintenance products.

Coordination and liaison

The Canada School will continue working with OLMCs to remain informed about issues and best practices relating to section 41 of the Official Languages Act. To that end, the Canada School will continue to have representatives on various interdepartmental networks, such as at meetings of national coordinators, official languages committees and federal council subcommittees.

Funding and program delivery

The Canada School will ensure that public servants have access to language training in all regions. Through its Official Languages Roadmap, the Canada School will continue to tailor its language learning products as to ensure they meet learners' needs.


The Canada School will continue to incorporate the Official Languages Act in its Authority Delegation Training courses. Moreover, the Canada School will work to improve the comprehensiveness and accuracy of its action plans and reports on results and will disseminate them on its Web site in order to better communicate its activities to partners and stakeholders, including OLMCs.

Detailed action plan


Training, information, orientation, awareness, communication and other Planned activities to achieve the expected result in-house in order to educate employees and/or senior managers of the federal institution about linguistic duality and the priorities of OLMCs; senior manager performance contracts and recognition programs; consideration of the viewpoints of OLMCs in research, studies and investigations carried out in-house.

Expected Result

Creation of lasting changes in federal institution organizational culture; employees and management are aware of and understand their responsibilities regarding section 41 of the Official Languages Act and OLMCs.

This is 3 columns and 9 rows table. The fist column list the carried out activities, the second one the Expected outputs and the third one the Indicators to measure progress.This data is collected as part of awareness.
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure progress
The Canada School will share and disseminate Bulletin 41-42 and information related to section 41 of the Official Languages Act to its employees through the Canada School intranet and Notebook. Also, the Canada School will encourage the contribution of articles promoting Canada School efforts and achievements to Bulletin 41-42.Employees and managers will be more aware of their responsibilities under section 41 of the Official Languages Act. They will also learn more about OLMCs.Number of contributions to Bulletin 41-42 by Canada School.

Number of items disseminated via the Canada School's Notebook.
The Canada School will ask the regional representative of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages to provide information sessions on the Official Languages Act in the regions.The representative will be requested to explain all of the parts of the Official Languages Act to public servants attending the presentation. Supporting documents will also be distributed to participants.

This will allow Canada School employees to better answer client questions on the implementation of the Act, especially with respect to language training. Employees will also be able to explore strategies to help them better meet their responsibilities under Part VII.
Number of employees attending Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages information sessions.
The Canada School will organize Armchair Discussions where French language training will be one of many topics of discussion in the Ontario Region, often including regions through Webcasts. The Armchair Discussions will increase the awareness of public servants about the importance of learning French for career advancement in the public service. Number of Armchair Discussions and number of participants.

Surveys measuring satisfaction and awareness will be sent out to each participant within a week after the Armchair Discussion.
In the Pacific and Yukon Region, the Canada School intends to work with the British Columbia Chamber of Commerce and the Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique to offer Armchair Discussions in French to public servants on issues related to the economic development of the French-speaking community.The Canada School expects around 250 public servants from the Pacific and Yukon Region to participate. Number of Armchair Discussions organized in the Pacific and Yukon Region.

Number of participants.
The Canada School will continue to offer the "Introduction to Official Languages" course (P714) in regions (i.e., the Atlantic, Quebec and Pacific regions). The Canada School plans to organize two P714 sessions in the Atlantic Region, four sessions in the Quebec Region and two sessions in the Pacific Region. Number of sessions organized for public servants in each region.

Number of participants.
The Canada School will continue to offer language training through its co-operation agreements with French-language universities. It will also help organize language training activities in French-speaking communities. The Canada School will continue agreements with OLMCs for the delivery of second-language courses in the regions. Number of agreements per region.
The Canada School will continue to offer full-time and part-time language training services through classrooms and online courses and, whenever possible, through its external providers within OLMCs. Many Canada School courses and products will become available to public servants, such as self-learning online activities (e.g. "Self-Assessment - Writing" and "Sons du français et de l'anglais"). Number of courses and products developed and available to public servants.

Number of participants.
The Canada School will continue to offer language training to federal, provincial and territorial court justices in regions.Federal, provincial and territorial court justices will continue to have access to Canada School language training products and services. Number of federal, provincial and territorial court justices trained.
The Canada School will ensure that information related to official languages, section 41 of the Official Languages Act, and the role many public servants play in supporting minority linguistic communities is integrated, as appropriate, into the design and development of new learning products. As well, the Canada School will continue to ensure that all of its course offerings are available in both official languages or in a bilingual format, and that its instructors and subject matter experts reflect Canada's linguistic duality.Official languages compliance is embedded in the design and development of all Canada School courses. Number of courses that are offered in both official languages or are bilingual.
Campusdirect's online catalogue will continue to be enhanced and refreshed with quality custom-designed online training products which address the common learning needs of public servants in both official languages in all regions of Canada. All custom-designed products and as many as possible of the commercial courses will be made available in both official languages.All custom courseware, job aids and online documents are available in both official languages and in accessible versions. The commercial courses are offered, where possible, in both official languages. This allows public servants to access their learning in the language of their choice, thus improving retention of learning and facilitating ease of use.

Campusdirect will continue to refresh and enhance the custom-designed courses to ensure that public servants have access to the most up-to-date training products to meet their learning needs.
Number of custom-designed products developed in both official languages or in a bilingual format.

Number of commercial courses designed and developed in both official languages or in a bilingual format.

More public servants accessing Campusdirect and the courseware, job aids, tools and documents available.
The Canada School will deliver the leadership development course "Diversity: Vision and Action" in both official languages. This course introduces the concept of diversity and of leadership in a diverse workplace from personal, interpersonal and organizational contexts. It is intended to equip managers to create an inclusive organizational culture that embraces change. The context is built upon the pillars of the Employment Equity Act, the Multiculturalism Act and the Official Languages Act.Six offerings to be delivered in the National Capital Region and in the regions to over 115 participants. Number of offerings per region.

Number of participants per region.

Level 1 evaluation (learner feedback) results.


Activities (e.g. committees, discussions and meetings) through which the federal institution consults the OLMCs and interacts with them to identify their needs and priorities or to understand potential impacts on their development; activities (e.g. round tables and working groups) to explore possibilities for cooperation within the existing mandate of the federal institution or as part of developing a new program or new policy; participation in consultations with OLMCs coordinated by other government bodies; consultation of OLMCs by regional offices to determine their concerns and needs.

Expected Result

Creation of lasting relationships between the federal institution and OLMCs; federal institution and OLMCs understand each other's needs and mandates.

This is 3 columns and 2 rows table. The fist column list the carried out activities, the second one the Expected outputs and the third one the Indicators to measure progress.This data is collected as part of consultation.
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure progress
In several regions, the Canada School will publish a request for proposals to establish a list of qualified providers that will be able to ensure the delivery of language training services. As a result of this process, a list of qualified providers will be established to ensure the delivery of language training services. All regions of the Canada School will have a list of qualified external providers.
The Canada School will continue to promote its products and services through conferences and events organized by departments.Through participation at various conferences throughout the country, Canada School e-Learning program staff will continue to promote the need for bilingual offerings to the industry. Number of events and conferences attended by Canada School representatives.

Number of Canada School promotional activities for its products and services.
The Canada School will continue to attend learning events hosted by federal departments.The Canada School will receive more visibility in terms of its language training products and services. It will increase membership of its online campus and increase collaboration and partnerships.

Access to language training self-paced products will be broadened.
Increase in number of participants using online products.

Increase in the number of presentations.


External communications activities to inform OLMCs about the activities, programs and policies of the federal institution and to promote the bilingual character of Canada; inclusion of OLMCs in all information and distribution lists; use of the federal institution's Web site to communicate with OLMCs.

Expected Result

OLMC culture reflects a broad understanding of the federal institution's mandate; OLMCs receive up-to-date and relevant information about the federal institution's programs and services.

This is 3 columns and 2 rows table. The fist column list the carried out activities, the second one the outputs and the third one the progress made.This data is collected as part of communication.
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure progress
In Regina and St. Boniface (in the Prairies Region), the Canada School will organize a French Language Maintenance Forum in French-speaking communities. For one day, federal and provincial employees will be able to attend professional development workshops in French and network with the French-speaking community.

At the Manitoba Forum, the Federal Council, the community and the province of Manitoba will present the Prix Ronald-Duhamel to a public servant who has made an exceptional contribution to the vitality of the Francophone community.
The community will be asked to participate in a training session and mini-meetings, at which various organizations will present their initiatives.

The Canada School will offer these forums for a fifth year.
Increase in the participation of public servants and OLMCs at these events.
The Canada School will continue to develop promotional material and documentation in support of newly developed learning materials aimed at teachers and learners, such as one-pagers, banners, posters, tutorials and videos in both official languages.Increased visibility of the Canada School and its language training products and services.

Promote linguistic duality across all federal government departments and agencies.

Number of invitations accepted and functions attended by the Canada School.

Number of promotional materials and documentation developed.

Number of events attended by Canada School representatives.

Number of presentations provided by the Canada School.

The Canada School will continue to attend and provide presentations to departments and at learning events. The Canada School will receive more visibility in terms of its language training products and services. It will increase the use of its online campus as well as its collaboration and partnership efforts. This is intended to broaden access to Canada School language training self-paced products.

Coordination and liaison

Coordination activities (research, studies, meetings, etc.) carried out by the federal institution itself along with other federal institutions or other orders of government; participation in activities organized by other federal institutions, other orders of government, etc.; participation of official languages champions, national and regional coordinators, and others in various government forums.

Expected Result

Co-operation with multiple partners to enhance OLMC development and vitality and to share best practices.

This is 3 columns and 6 rows table. The fist column list the carried out activities, the second one the outputs and the third one the progress made.This data is collected as part of coordination and liaison.
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure progress
In the regions, the Canada School will continue to be represented in interdepartmental networks, such as at meetings of official languages coordinators, official languages committees and federal council subcommittees.The meetings will enable departments to share best practices and to continue discussions on the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act. OLMC organizations will be invited to some meetings so they can present their initiatives and mandates to the networks with a view to working out strategies for better co-operation.

The departments and agencies will continue to acquire broader knowledge about the issues and opportunities relating to the implementation of the Official Languages Act. This will enable departments to develop best practices and better meet their service delivery and staffing responsibilities within the federal government.
Number of meetings attended by the Canada School.
The Canada School will continue to invite the representative of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages to meet with new full-time public service learners.More public servants will be made aware and will have a better understanding of the Official Languages Act.Number of participants.

Participants will be asked to complete satisfaction surveys to measure the satisfaction rates.
The Canada School will continue to organize second language acquisition and maintenance activities and will implement the Language Acquisition and Maintenance Cycle. The Language Acquisition and Maintenance Cycle pilot project was completed in 2008 and the official launch for implementation of the new initiative is scheduled for April 1, 2009. Through second-language assessment simulation exercises, participants will be able to choose, plan and prioritize their language learning objectives and priorities. Number of participants.

Funding and program delivery

Implementation of the federal institution's programs and delivery of its services; funding, alone or in cooperation with other federal institutions, of OLMC projects; inclusion of the needs of OLMCs in the delivery of the federal institution's programs and services.

Expected Result

OLMCs are part on the federal institution's regular clientele and have adequate access to its programs and services; OLMC needs (e.g. geographic dispersion and development opportunities) are taken into account.

This is 3 columns and 6 rows table. The fist column list the carried out activities, the second one the outputs and the third one the progress made.This data is collected as part of funding and program delivery.
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure progress
The Canada School will continue to deliver language training to public servants in the regions through external providers for courses. The external providers will be trained by the Canada School.The Canada School represents expertise in language learning. That expertise will be shared with external providers delivering language training. OLMCs will continue to acquire greater expertise in language training.

Number of language training sessions provided by external providers.
Implement the Canada School's Official Languages Roadmap initiative: Broadening availability of second official language training products through universities and launch the first learning cycle by March 2010.

This is a three-year initiative from April 2009 to March 2012.
An extended potential pool of recent university graduates, who meet the Government of Canada's bilingualism requirements, will be established for the federal public service.

It is anticipated that participants in this initiative will increase their second language skills and consider future employment in the federal public service.
Number of participants in the initiative.

Number of tools provided to participating universities.


Activities through which the federal institution integrates its work on the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act into departmental planning and accountability mechanisms (e.g. report on plans and priorities, departmental performance report, departmental business plan and status report on implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act); internal audits and evaluations of programs and services; regular review of programs and services as well as policies by senior managers of the federal institution to ensure implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act.

Expected Result

Full integration of the OLMC perspective and section 41 of the Official Languages Act into the federal institution's policies, programs and services; the reporting structure, internal evaluations and policy reviews determine how to better integrate OLMCs' perspectives.

This is 3 columns and 3 rows table. The fist column list the carried out activities, the second one the outputs and the third one the progress made.This data is collected as part of accountability.
Planned activities to achieve the expected result Expected outputs Indicators to measure progress
All mandatory public service management courses (Authority Delegation Training) offered by the Canada School will cover the objectives of the Official Languages Act and its implementation.Through Authority Delegation Training, the Canada School will continue to cover the objectives and issues of the Official Languages Act and its implementation. In addition, it will continue to raise awareness of public servants attending this training regarding official languages and OLMCs.Number of Authority Delegation Training courses.

Number of public servants who attended Authority Delegation Training courses. The quality of action plans and reports on results will be improved by considering and incorporating comments and recommendations received from Canadian Heritage.
The Canada School will continue to meet the Canadian Heritage requirements with regard to the Action Plan and Report on Results on the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act.The Canada School will improve the quality of its action plans and reports on results. It will also ensure that its action plans and reports on results are clearer, more comprehensive and more accurate.
The Canada School will post its action plans and reports on results on its Web site to communicate the information to OLMCs. The action plans and reports on results will be posted on the Web site of the Canada School, thereby increasing transparency and visibility of Canada School initiatives pertaining to section 41 of the Official Languages Act.The action plans and reports on results will be available on the Canada School's Web site.

Distribution list

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