Building on work undertaken in 2018–19 to develop a departmental policy statement and establish a working group on gender-based analysis plus, the Canada School of Public Service will continue to refine its gender-based analysis plus implementation framework and begin to implement it in 2019–20.
The framework will cover the two-fold role of the School in this priority area. As a federal departmental corporation with over 600 employees, it must incorporate gender-based analysis plus in its operations and decision-making processes. As the common learning provider for the core public service, it must ensure that all Canadians are represented in its course materials and resources and that public servants have greater access to quality learning products to enhance their capacity for gender-based analysis plus.
As such, the School's framework will include an organizational needs assessment and policy statement, and will help to establish a Responsibility Centre for the department. It will also include the development of gender-based analysis plus training and tools for employees and will provide for ongoing monitoring of progress in implementing gender-based analysis plus in its operations and its learning opportunities for public servants. This will include engaging with senior management and School governance bodies. |