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Briefing skills learning path

One of the core functions of a public servant is to collect and move information into the hands of the right people, in the right places, at the right time, whether it be upwards to decision-makers, across to other public servants, or out to Canadians. This learning path is designed to support this goal by empowering public servants with the tools they need to deliver concise, intuitive, and well-constructed briefings tailored to their intended audience.

Get started

Designed with the diverse job functions of public servants in mind, this learning path includes a range of virtual and online self-paced courses, videos, and job aids to elevate the briefing skills of learners. Learners can choose the materials that align best with their specific job functions and learning needs.

Learn more

Discover tools to help sharpen oral and written communication skills and improve competencies in transforming complex analysis and data into accessible and visually appealing briefing products. Learn how to brief senior executives (briefing up), colleagues or partners (briefing across) and external audiences and stakeholders (briefing out).

Briefing up
Briefing across
Briefing out

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