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2012 ADM Forum: ADMs Serving Canadians: Connected, Vibrant and Engaged

November 15, 2012 | 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., followed by a reception | Ottawa, Ontario

The ADM Forum is an annual event that contributes to building a dynamic Assistant Deputy Minister community, including ADM equivalents in Crown corporations and agencies. It provides an opportunity to share and generate ideas that will shape the way the public service works.

This year's forum objectives are:

Participants will:

Participants will also have the opportunity to engage Wayne G. Wouters, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet, and Janice Charette, Associate Secretary to the Cabinet and Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, on the themes and issues discussed throughout the event.

This event, based on feedback received from the ADM community, was designed in consultation with the Assistant Deputy Minister Learning Advisory Committee.

Consult the program for more information on the event.

Canada Aviation and Space Museum, 11 Aviation Parkway, Ottawa, Ontario
November 15, 2012 | 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., followed by a reception


Deadline to register for the Forum is November 8, 2012.
Cancellation deadline for the Forum is October 31, 2012.

Please ensure that you have your MyAccount login name and password on hand before registering. If you do not have an account, please contact the Client Contact Centre.


Isabelle Renaud


Nineteenth Annual Report to the Prime Minister on the Public Service of Canada

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