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2012 ADM Forum: ADMs Serving Canadians: Connected, Vibrant and Engaged – Program

November 15, 2012 | Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Ottawa

Program subject to change without notice.

Purpose of the ADM Forum:

Objectives for 2012:

2012 Forum Elements

The Technological Experiments Continue: Expanding on last year's experiment with social media, a GCconnex platform has been set-up and comments will be projected on the screen in the main room throughout the day. All participants are encouraged to share their thoughts on what they are learning and hearing. In addition, one of the breakout sessions will use videoconferencing technology to engage one of the presenters from Denmark.

Engaging the Next Generation: Youth delegates from a number of organizations have been invited to participate in this year's Forum. ADMs are encouraged to engage with the youth delegates throughout the day about what they expect from their public service and how it can remain relevant as ADMs consider its future.

Official Welcome and Traditional Algonquin Blessing: The 2012 ADM Learning Advisory Committee Co-Chairs will officially welcome ADMs and set the stage for the day. In recognition that the Forum is taking place on Algonquin traditional territory, the Forum will open with a traditional blessing.

Welcoming of New ADMs and ADM Equivalents: In recognition of those who have joined the community over the past year, all new ADMs and ADM equivalents will be asked to stand to be acknowledged by their colleagues.

Opening Plenary Panel: Three current provincial cabinet secretaries will share their views on the ways that the public service can renew and build its capacity to increase productivity and continue to fulfil its mandate while meeting increasing citizen expectations, as well as on the role that senior public service leaders need to play to make these ideas a reality.

Concurrent Breakout Sessions: Three concurrent breakout sessions will provide insight into important management and leadership strategies that will be essential for the public service to consider as it prepares for the next generation of leaders.

Lunchtime "Unconference" – Engaging the Next Generation: A series of lightly facilitated, informal dialogues with youth delegates on current and future issues and challenges facing the public service.

Plenary Panel: A panel of respected thought leaders will share its perspective on the public service's changing role, and the importance of innovation, creativity and change in shaping the public service for the future.

Making Sense – Mix and Match: Prior to a session with the Clerk of the Privy Council and the Associate Secretary to the Cabinet, participants will have an opportunity to come together in plenary to share and discuss what they heard throughout the day, and identify key trends and issues that are critical to preparing the public service to address the challenges of the future.

Dialogue with the Clerk of the Privy Council and the Associate Secretary to the Cabinet: Participants will have an opportunity to engage the Clerk and the Associate Secretary to the Cabinet on the themes, issues and strategies that have emerged throughout the day.

Networking Reception: Following the Forum, participants are invited to stay behind for a networking reception.

8:15 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Coffee, Tea & Juice | Registration Foyer
8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

Welcoming Remarks | Main Event Space

ADM Forum Co-Chairs:

Cécile Cléroux, Assistant Secretary, Government Operations Sector, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Steven McLaughlin, A/Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Management and Registration Services Branch, Canada School of Public Service
David Vigneault, Associate Vice-President, Canada Border Services Agency

9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Traditional Algonquin Blessing | Main Event Space

Claudette Commanda, Executive Director, First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres
9:15 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

Welcoming of New ADMs | Main Event Space

ADM Forum Co-Chairs

9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

Opening Plenary Panel: The Public Service Organizational Productivity Challenge | Main Event Space

As the size of workforces decrease, productivity to ensure future economic and social prosperity is a critical point of concern in most developed countries, including Canada. What is the ability of the public service to increase its own productivity—with fewer resources—to respond to increasing citizen demands?

Byron James, Clerk of the Executive Council and Secretary to Cabinet, New Brunswick
Doug Moen, Deputy Minister to the Premier, Saskatchewan Public Service
Peter Wallace, Secretary of the Cabinet, Head of the Ontario Public Service and Clerk of the Executive Council

Moderator: Royal Orr

10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Health Break and Exhibits | Main Event Space

Explore some of Canada's past innovations by visiting the museum's exhibits with colleagues and youth delegates.

11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Participants are invited to participate in one of three breakout sessions, intended to provide an opportunity to connect with experienced leaders on their perspectives and approaches to innovation and change.

  1. Approaches to Engagement, Collaboration and Partnerships | Theatre
    Governments cannot respond alone to the diversity of issues they face. The issues are too complex and unpredictable to be able to develop strategies in isolation. Explore how governments can engage employees, stakeholders and citizens in new ways to co-produce targeted and evolving strategies to address complex problems.

    Christian Bason, Director, MindLab Denmark
    David Eaves, public policy entrepreneur, open government activist, negotiation expert
    Molly Harrington, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy Research, Ministry of Social Development, Government of British Columbia

    Moderator: Carol Sheedy, Vice-President, Operations, Eastern Canada, Parks Canada

  2. Changing the Way We Change Organizations | Main Event Space
    Explore a new approach to changing organizations based on four essential principles: widening the circle of involvement; connecting people to each other and ideas; creating communities for action and embracing democratic principles. How can this approach enable leaders to create the energetic, flexible and responsive organizations necessary to serve the evolving needs of Canadians into the future?

    Richard H. Axelrod, Author and consultant
    Allison Bichel, Executive Director, Access, Alberta Health Services

    Moderator: Tom Rosser, Assistant Deputy Minister, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada

  3. Generation Gap | Bush Theatre
    The characteristics of the silent generation, the baby boomer generation, Generation X and Generation Y will be reviewed to shed light on the tensions that exist between these groups and possible ways to see eye to eye. With the exception of the so-called "traditional" generation, the other generations have a number of interests in common: keeping up appearances, the ritual of urgency, the lure of instant gratification and the worship of fame. In light of these interests, the four generations above coexist through changing relationships that swing between conflict and cooperation. The answers to questions such as "What can I learn from this other person?" and "What can I teach him or her?" are no longer self-evident. Therein lies the complexity. This session also provides the opportunity to ask ourselves if it is possible to consider the other person's viewpoint by trying to see the world from their perspective.

    Carol Allain, Speaker, trainer and author, Les Productions Carol Allain Inc.

    Moderator: Omer Boudreau, Vice-President, Corporate Management Branch, Public Service Commission
12:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.

Lunchtime "Unconference" and Exhibits | Main Event Space

Through a series of lightly facilitated, informal dialogues, participants and invited youth are encouraged to discuss what they took away from the morning sessions and consider ways to innovate and inspire creativity and change within the public service.

Discussion topics and their assigned locations will be posted on the main screen in the plenary area.

1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Public Sector Innovation for the 21st Century | Main Event Space

Governments around the world continue to face new challenges and opportunities that require their public services to develop innovative, yet practical, ways to transform the way they do business. Explore ways that the federal public service can remain relevant, distinctive and valued in a world of evolving citizen expectations, and where information and advice is "everywhere, all the time."

William D. Eggers, Global Director, Public Sector Industry, Deloitte Research
Jessica L. McDonald, Executive Vice-President, Heenan Blaikie Consulting and former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the British Columbia Public Service

3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Health Break and Exhibits | Main Event Space
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Making Sense – Mix And Match | Theatre

Participants will have an opportunity to share what they heard throughout the day and identify key trends and issues that are critical to preparing the public service to address the challenges of the future, as they prepare to engage with the Clerk of the Privy Council and the Associate Secretary to the Cabinet.

Moderator: Royal Orr

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Dialogue with the Clerk of the Privy Council and the Associate Secretary to the Cabinet | Theatre

Participants will have an opportunity to engage with the Clerk and the Associate Secretary to the Cabinet. Themes and issues that have emerged throughout the day will inform this session. (Deputy Ministers are invited to participate in this discussion).

Wayne G. Wouters, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet
Janice Charette, Associate Secretary to the Cabinet and Deputy Minister, Intergovernmental Affairs

Moderator: Royal Orr

5:00 p.m.

Closing Remarks | Theatre

ADM Forum Co-Chairs

5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Reception | Registration Foyer

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