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GC Data Community

Data has the power to inform better policies, programs and operations, but it takes people with the right skills to realize its full potential. The GC Data Community was created to connect, engage and support the growing community of data practitioners across the federal government. It operates based on support from over twenty departments and agencies.

About us

The GC Data Community provides support in five main areas:

Join us

Data practitioners

Public servants are welcome to join the GC Data Community. Benefits include receiving news about data projects happening within and beyond the Government of Canada and being invited to data events.

Communities of practice

Communities of practice are also welcome to get involved, such as to promote their activities, collaborate on projects, and present at events.

Representatives of departments and agencies

Representatives of departments and agencies are welcome to become partners. This helps shape the GC Data Community's priorities and initiatives and helps it obtain priority access to events and projects.

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