Transcript: Unlocking the Potential of Cloud: Understanding the Role of People in Adopting the Cloud
[00:00:00 The text “Unlocking the Potential of Cloud – Cornerstone of the Cloud is People” appears onscreen.]
[00:00:07 The screen fades to Tom Roberts in a video chat panel.]
TOM ROBERTS (Vice President, Business Enablement and Assurance Services Branch, Canada School of Public Service/Vice-prèsident, services d'affaires et d'appui aux organisations, École de la function publique du Canada): The cornerstone of the cloud, again, is people. An important part of this is how we deliver products and services to people no matter where they are in the country, or international even.
So, things are moving fast and we will need to work together to keep up. Our leaders across the Government of Canada have to be prepared to lead cloud implementation alongside a shift to more agile approaches to business, and all employees need to know what is required of them in this exciting and rapidly changing cloud environment.
For cloud applications and deployments to succeed, it requires the right people, the right talent, skills, and processes. We all need to be more cloud savvy.
I'm not saying that everybody needs to be a cloud expert but we all have to have a working level understanding of the cloud.
[00:00:45 The video chat fades to the CSPS logo.]
[00:00:51 The Government of Canada logo appears and fades to black.]