Transcript: Unlocking the Potential of Cloud: Going Beyond Technology
[00:00:00 The text “Unlocking the Potential of Cloud – Cloud is More Than Technology” appears onscreen.]
[00:00:07 The screen fades to Tom Roberts in a video chat panel.]
TOM ROBERTS (Vice President, Business Enablement and Assurance Services Branch, Canada School of Public Service/Vice-président, services d'affaires et d'appui aux organisations, École de la function publique du Canada): The cloud is more than technology. It's about looking for ways to make it work for and improve how you do business.
So, it was really interesting to see the word cloud and the fact that storage came up as such a strong component of cloud. I think that I wouldn't be going out on a limb to say that storage was a big part of what made cloud interesting in the early days, but storage is no longer the thing that is driving cloud and cloud business.
And from a Government of Canada perspective, the savings that we might get on storage, I'm not sure that that is the reason to go cloud. I think it's all the other aspects of cloud that really are the reason why it needs to be thought about for almost any kind of IT investment we're making, because you can change the relationships, you can change the accountabilities, you can change the risk, really.
It's not just about trying to save money on terabytes. It allows us to be more nimble, more efficient, and do it cost effectively.
Although, I think a lot of CIOs will start challenging that what we are finding with cloud is it's not always the panacea of money saved, but often times, what you're getting in terms of value for dollar, the value for dollar is much better.
[00:01:18 The video chat fades to the CSPS logo.]
[00:01:24 The Government of Canada logo appears and fades to black.]